Friday, July 25, 2014


I love the word "GRACE" sounds so elegant and peaceful!  In the spanish language we say "GRACIA".....interestingly, it only lacks one letter to mean "Thank you"!!
 It points me to the generosity of my Creator in all that He does.  We only needed one star to light our day, yet He fills the blackness with millions of them!  We only need two or three elements to thrive....yet He makes hundreds of different plants and foods to feed us with.  
How many millions of different designs of snowflakes has he made since the beginning of time?  No one knows!
We need our fingers.....but He went ahead and made each finger tip a universe all its own! 
Think of all the types of flowers there are.......different colors of trees...not even talking about the hundred different shades they turn in fall! The types of cattle, the types of dogs, the varieties of cats, fishes, mushrooms, insects, clouds, grains of sand..... it boggles the mind!! He has showered us with His Grace (unmerited favor and spiritual blessings).  This is reflected in the world around us.  We only have to turn our head slightly to be face to face with the truth of His Grace in our lives! His Favor is there always....even before we realize we need it.  It is is present.  
Favor: "something done or given out of goodwill rather than from justice".
 God owes us nothing....yet His favor follows us! We deserve nothing....yet His favor is there! Unmerited....
Any situation that we might be living in right now, we can know that His grace is sufficient.  How do we know? Because It is Written! He has breathed this promise on us thru His written word....we just need to breath it in!     
    Breath in His Peace....
                                     breath in His joy....
                                                                    breath in His mercy.....
Breath in His GRACE!!!
 !!!  For  you and me!!

Hoy recordare respirar la gracia de Dios a mi vida!!